
Monday, 27 August 2012

Drama Adam dan Hawa..

            Bagi peminat novel tempatan, mesti pernah dengar or baca novel Adam dan Hawa karya novelis popular Aisya Sofea...setiap kali  drama diadaptasi daripada novel, mesti aku masalah btol bile drama adam dan hawa nih di tayangkan di astro mustika HD..pandai btol astro nk tarik pelanggan untuk amik pakej mustika hd..tak suke...tak umah nih dah ler jenis lame yg besar gedabak tuh..mmg tak boleh laa nk langgan Mustika HD...dengar cite astro takkan benarkan cite nih diupload kat youtube..saddd...hope drama nih tak mengecewakan laa macam cite Bicara Hati...ramai yg keciwa dgn drama tuh...melalut dan menyimpang jauh daripada novel...then pelakon tak berapa pandai berlakon...okey la, jom tgk trailer ADAM dan HAWA...

Tarikan utama cite nih mesti laa Mr Aaron Aziz @ Seth Tan @ Malik....dalam drama nih die jadik Adam Mukhriz...OST Adam dan Hawa dinyanyikan oleh Dato' Siti Nurhaliza dan Hafiz Af...

Friday, 24 August 2012

Dealer SNE Beutskin Essence Diperlukan

Salam semua...
Selamat hari raya diucapkan kepada semua pelanggan Nur Beauty Forever...mohon maaf diucapkan sekiranya ada salah dan silap sepanjang saya menjalankan biz online nie...biasalah, saya hanya manusia biasa yang tak lari daripada melakukan kesilapan...hope anda semua berpuas hati dengan produk2 di sini..=)


Actually, saya ingin mencari pengedar untuk BEUTSKIN ESSENCE yang semakin mendapat tempat di hati para wanita yang sentiasa menjaga kecantikan dan kesihatan...saya telah rasmi menjadi stokis SNE setelah menjadi pengedar BEUTSKIN ESSENCE  selama tidak sampai 2 minggu...saya sangat mengalu-alukan kedatangan anda sekalian dalam biz ini..sangat-sangat berbaloi..di samping mendapat kulit yang cerah dan gebu seperti ADIRA AF, anda juga mendapat side income yg pastinya lumayan...haa...ape lagi, cepat2 contact or sms 014 8466814 or kepada sesiapa yang ada di Kuantan,  boleh laa kite buat appointment untuk register sebagai dealer...nak jadi agen dropship juga dialu-alukan...=)


Monday, 13 August 2012

Kebaikan Seabuckthorn Yang Terdapat Dalam Beutskin Essence

Seabuckthorn Health Benefits
Seabuckthorn has hundreds of potential benefits it provides, both nutritionally and medicinally, whether taken internally, in the form of a juice, tea or supplement, or applied topically to the skin in oil, lotion or cream form. It has the ability to both heal and prevent a wide array of illnesses and conditions.
  • Acne:  The anti-inflammatory agents such as quercetin and salycins, together with the immune boosting fatty acids  work in harmony to help address the main culprits of acne:  immune system, hormone imbalances and chronic inflammation.
  • Anti-aging:  Rich in vitamin A and vitamin E, it helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and retard premature skin maturation.
  • Chemotherapy:  The flavonoids helps cancer patients recover more rapidly from the effects of radiation and chemotherapy treatment.
  • Cardiovascular benefits:  Rich in unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3, omega-6, omega-7 and omega-9 oils can significantly help improve heart health and drastically reduce a person's risk for heart attacks and strokes.
  • Cell repair and rejuvenation:  Aid significantly in the repair and rejuvenation of the body's cellular structure.
  • Cerebral health:  The fatty acids, flavonoids and carotonoids help reduce the risk of stroke and promote overall brain health and memory.
  • Cholesterol control: The flavonoids and essential fatty acids help to increase the good cholesterol (HDL) in blood and reduce risk of conditions such as coronary heart disease and stroke. Also, phytosterols reduce the amount of cholesterol that take in during meals.
  • Fatigue: Rich in many important vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin E, and can help reduce some of the more common symptoms of fatigue such as low energy and muscle tension. It helps promote a more restful night sleep.
  • Gastrointestinal health:  The seed oil is an effective treatment for gastric ulcers as it normalizes the output of gastric acid and helps to reduce inflammation in the stomach and other gastrointestinal organs.
  • Hair: The oils and fatty acids can improve overall hair health and lends itself to a healthy and natural-looking shine. It may help a reduction in the onset of premature hair loss.
  • Hypertension or high blood pressure: Extracts from all parts of sea buckthorn bark, juice, leaves and oil can be effective in treating high blood pressure. Its essential fatty acids help to lower blood pressure, and some research suggests that increasing flavonoids (which are abundant in sea buckthorn) intake also benefits hypertension.
  • Immune system: Rich in vitamin C which can help boost the immune system and helps to fight off disease.
  • Liver: Help normalize liver enzymes and immune system markers in those with inflammation or cirrhosis of the liver, and may help prevent the harmful effects of many substances high in toxicity.
  • Menopause: A natural lubricant and helps to relieve vaginal dryness that may occur during menopause.
  • Skin diseases: Ability to treat conditions such as acne, dermatitis, eczema, skin lesions and rosacea. Its skin-healing abilities are due to its high essential fatty acid, flavonoids, protein, and vitamin content. 
  • Sun Block: Naturally absorbs the sun's harmful UV rays which can cause skin damage and may lead to skin cancer.
  • Triglycerides: Helps to lower these blood fats that can also contribute to heart disease and stroke.
  • Ulcers: This fruit improves the health of mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal tract. The seed and pulp oils can prevent and cure gastric ulcers.
  • Wound and burn healing and skin rejuvenation: Palmitoleic acid, which is just one of the fatty acids is a naturally occurring substance in the skin.  Seabuckthorn has proved very effective in the treatment of wounds, burns dermatitis and even cancers of the skin.
These are just a few of the many nutritional and healing benefits of seabuckthorn, and as research continues on this apparent wonder fruit even more benefits are apt to surface.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Beutskin Essence - Rahsia Kecantikan Kulit Adira...

Hye2 semua yg melawat Nur Beauty Forever...
Hari ini saya nak update lagi satu produk yang semakin hot di pasaran...
Rahsia kecantikan dan kemulusan kulit Adira AF kini terbongkar...rupe-rupenye beliau telah mengamalkan supplement hebat iaitu BEUTSKIN ESSENCE..beliau telah mengamalkan supplement ini hampir setahun yang lalu...adira juga telah berkongsi rahsia ini dengan Isma AF...selain itu, selebriti lain yg mengamalkan BEUTSKIN ESSENCE ialah saida (kakak siti nurhaliza) dan rozi (kakak ipar siti nurhaliza)...hebat bukan..jom kita liaht ape kebaikan BEUTSKIN ESSENCE...

Beutskin Essence dirumus dengan menggunakan ramuan platinum daripada esens tumbuhan yang unik dan digabung dengan penggunaan teknik ekstraksi supercritical CO2, berupaya menguraikan melanin dan pigmen kuning pada kulit dengan cepat demi memutihkan dan memperbaharui sel badan secara keseluruhan. Ia menggalakkan metabolisme sel dari dalam ke luaran supaya membolehkan badan menjadi lebih sihat dan memperolehi kulit yang lebih cerah. Ia juga membebaskan enzim-enzim aktif sel, berkesan untuk menghalang aktiviti penyahasilan dan meningkatkan tenaga sel supaya tisu kulit seluruh badan berfungsi dengan normal.

1. Menyingkirkan toksin & mencantikan kulit
2. Mengembalikan kelembutan dan keanjalan kulit serta tubuh
3. Mengalakkan pertumbuhan sel-sel baru dalam badan
4. Menstabilkan fungsi hati, buah pinggang dan ovari
5. Anti-pernuaan dan mengurangkan kedut halus
6. Warna kulit rata dan memutihkan pigmen
7. Menguatkan fungsi lindung-diri kulit.

500mg x 60 capsules
No.Pendaftaran KKM: MAL08031430TR

HALAL Boleh: Diambil seawal umur 13 tahun
Cara makan: 2 biji sehari (sblm tidur) atau: 4 biji sehari (siang & malam)

Tiada pantang larang, tiada kesan yg merbahaya, tidak merosakkan buah pinggang, selamat diambil dan jika mengambil sebarang supplement lain hendaklah makan 1 jam sebelum makan supplement/mknn (Diambil semasa perut kosong)

Kandungan: Pati Tomato (Lycopene), Kudzu Tropika Radix Puerariae Lobata, Grape Seed Oil, Lycopene, Pine Nut Oil, Beeswax DAN Minyak Biji Seabuckthorn